I am aware that several new patients have now registered at DVMP recently since the imminent closure of the Askam practice.
I also understand that the way this practice delivers services may be slightly different.
With this in mind and to support all of our patients who have either been registered with us for some time or are new patients to DVMP please note that the website is being constantly updated and we also try to display posters, give out leaflets etc as well to help everyone.
I hope that the following keeps you aware of our current “collections” protocol from either the Kirkby or Broughton surgery as well as other general practice information.
There will be a new, practice, patient information leaflet produced soon that will be distributed when confirmation of the opening date for the Askam surgery is known. This is to ensure the most up to date information is available for all of our patients when our services start to be delivered in Askam. I hope that this will support all of our patients and help to prevent any breakdown in communications.
We would be very grateful if patients “support us to support you better” by complying with the following in the meantime until the new branch is open in Askam.
Since the practice buildings are closed, unless pre-arranged attendance with the doctor or nurse has been planned for a “face to face” appointment already, I would appreciate it if patients can telephone the practice first prior to coming to collect medication/prescription forms/anything else at all from the practice.
This is not only for your convenience but for your safety so that we can get things ready and prepared for you to collect without having to wait longer than necessary. This should also prevent patients waiting with other people in queues and potentially getting closer to one another than the two meter distance rule.
Please note that the teams at the practice are all working as efficiently and as quickly as they can to support you, especially during this continuing Covid-19 crisis. So, if you are attending the practice to collect anything at all, we would very much appreciate it if this can be done outside of the protected lunch break time. I would like to ensure that all my staff can have an uninterrupted break during the middle of their working day. Nevertheless please note that the teams will always respond to patients in a genuine emergency.
As soon as I have any news about the opening date for the Askam surgery, it will be circulated as soon as possible to let everyone know.
Many thanks for your cooperation.
Dr L A Wilson