Tests can only be booked on the national online booking portal or by calling 119 if you do not have access to the internet. You CANNOT book a test in any other way.
Anyone who tries to book a test and is unable to do so, or who is offered a location or time which is not convenient, should wait a few hours and then try again. More tests are available each day and are allocated based on areas of greatest need and the prevalence of the virus. As the service is very busy you may have to try more than once to access the service and be offered the location you need.
You should NOT attend your GP Practice or A&E to get a coronavirus test as you may spread the virus. Both A&E and your GP Practice are unable to assist you in booking a COVID-19 test and cannot provide COVID-19 testing.
Booking a test if you have symptoms is vital to the control of the virus and the saving of lives, so please continue to self-isolate and come back to the online booking portal or the 119 service if you have not been successful.